Friday, January 20, 2012

Thoughts, Impressions, and Fears: A Latin Lesson

"It's all Greek to me!", is the antiquated exclamation used to express lack of understanding, especially of a language. Ancient Greek became a dead language as it was no longer learned as a native language. I can image that it was frustrating being one of those last few people who where raised in the language and realizing that its time was at an end.  I contrast this with the idea that the Internet is birthing a new world-wide language, one that will break down spoken-language barriers.  A reversal of a dead language fading out, a new language coming more into focus.

Just a thought.

But I sub-titled it a Lesson in Latin, so let's switch languages.

My original idea for this post began with this: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" Latin for: "Who watches the watchers?"  It entered pop-culture consciousness a few years ago as a tag line for the movie: The Watchmen. Regarding this class,  I thought something fractal along the lines of: "Who uses technology to teach the technology teachers technology?"  Today it is you, and I follow in those footsteps so that tomorrow it will be me, and all of us in this class. I feel a sea-change coming in education and those educators who have embraced and learned technology will be well positioned to help others up to a higher level.

So I'm pretty excited about becoming a technology teacher......and beyond.

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